In the year of 2008 about a year to this day my aunt died. I loved my Aunt Mary Jane and she meant the world to me. When I received the news of her death I was devastated. I used to live with my aunt when my parents where having problems and she was a wonderful guardian. She didn’t have any children so took in my brother and I and treated us as if we her first children. She was sick when we lived with her but my family and I suspected her death. Her husband Christopher stood by her side in her time of need and we pray for her more than he would pray for himself. Then a few years after we moved out she adopted her first child. Her and my uncle tried for many years but after realizing that it wasn’t going to possible they adopted. I used to remember my little cousin sleeping in the hospital because her father would stay in the hospital looking after her mother. My mom used to stay up crying because she felt so bad about the situation. I have always been different since that day my mom told me.
This is a very sweet tribute.